The 31st National Equine Forum (#NEF23) took place on Thursday 2nd March 2023. Sessions featured include:
- The Equine Industry in a changing world;
- Opportunities and challenges for the future of the equestrian sector;
- Equine health;
- How to tackle unwanted behaviours;
- Topical slots;
- Influencers & their responsibilities across the media; and
- Memorial Lecture.
HRH The Princess Royal
President, National Equine Forum
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A keen rider since childhood, HRH The Princess Royal won an individual gold medal at the European Eventing Championships at Burghley in 1971 and was a member of the British team in the European Three-Day Event Championships at Kiev in 1973. At the same competition in Germany in 1975, she won silver medals as an individual competitor and as a team member. The Princess also competed in the 1976 Montreal Olympic Games.
After five years as President of the British Olympic Association, The Princess was elected to the International Olympic Committee and in 2005 she led the Team GB bid in Singapore, where London was awarded the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games. Her Royal Highness then Directed the London Organising Committee of the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games (LOCOG).
Her Royal Highness is President or Patron of some 300 organisations, including the Riding for the Disabled Association, World Horse Welfare and The Horse Trust.
The Princess kindly accepted the post of President of the National Equine Forum in 2009, having attended the Forum on many occasions before that.
Her Royal Highness will be providing her personal perspective on the current situation in the horse world, based on what has been presented at the Forum.
Tim Brigstocke MBE
Chairman, National Equine Forum
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Tim has been Chairman of the NEF since taking over from Prof Sir Colin Spedding in 2012, chairing his first Forum in 2013. He has spent his whole career in agriculture having worked in agribusiness, the Government's research service and administered the largest cattle breed society in the world.
Since 1999 Tim has run his own consultancy business which specialises in expert witness work. He is involved in a whole host of organisations in the land-based sector including being Treasurer of Responsible Use of Medicines in Agriculture (RUMA) and Chairman of the UK Genetics for Livestock and Equines Committee (UKGLE), which has recently expanded to include horses. He also chairs the biannual British Horse Council industry meeting.
Dr Pat Harris
Vice Chair, National Equine Forum
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Pat qualified from the University of Cambridge Veterinary School in 1983 and completed her PhD at the Animal Health Trust into the Equine Rhabdomyolysis Syndrome. She joined the Waltham Centre for Pet Nutrition (now Waltham Petcare Science Institute) in 1995.
As Director of Science for Mars Horsecare and Head of the WALTHAM™ Equine Studies Group she is responsible for their equine research conducted in collaboration with experts at institutes and universities globally. This provides the science behind the SPILLERS™, BUCKEYE™ Nutrition and WINERGY™ brands. She is also a scientific advisor to MARS Equestrian™ sponsorship.
Pat is a European Specialist in Veterinary Clinical and Comparative Nutrition, a RCVS recognised specialist in veterinary clinical nutrition (equine) and a British Equine Veterinary Association Past-President. She is also a member of several boards and holds a number of academic posts within institutions around the world.
She lectures internationally on nutrition as it affects the health, welfare, behaviour and performance of the horse. She is the author or co-author of over 500 scientific papers, abstracts and book chapters with recent emphasis on obesity, laminitis and senior horse nutrition.
Pat will introduce the day, and then chair the Equine Health and How to Tackle Unwanted Behaviours sessions. She will also introduce the Memorial Lecture and our President’s Remarks, as well as closing the Forum.
Prof Tim Morris
Organising Committee Member, National Equine Forum
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Professor Tim Morris is a Veterinarian who was formerly Director of Equine Science and Welfare for the British Horseracing Authority. Having qualified from the Royal Veterinary College (RVC) as a Veterinary Surgeon, he was in practice before returning to the RVC to complete a PhD.
He is a visiting professor at the University of Nottingham School of Veterinary Medicine and Science, and has held a number of roles in industry, veterinary and scientific organisations, industry bodies, government and animal welfare charities.
Tim will chair The Equine Industry in a Changing World session.
The Rt Hon Lord Benyon
Minister of State (Minister for Biosecurity, Marine and Rural Affairs), Defra
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The Rt Hon Lord Benyon was appointed Minister of State at the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs in October 2022. He was previously Parliamentary Under Secretary of State at the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs from May 2021 to October 2022.
Having been educated at Bradfield College and the Royal Agricultural College, Cirencester, Lord Benyon followed a career in the army, where he served with the Royal Green Jackets. He then qualified as a chartered surveyor and ran a business which included farming, forestry and the management of rural and urban housing.
Lord Benyon was Conservative MP for Newbury for 14 years as well as having been Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Natural Environment, Water and Rural Affairs and Shadow Minister for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs and Opposition Whip during that time.
The Minister will deliver an update from UK Government on equine matters.

David Mountford
Chair, British Horse Council
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David joined the Royal Army Veterinary Corps after graduating from Cambridge. He commanded in Cyprus and Hong Kong and served with the King’s Troop Royal Horse Artillery before leaving to join what is now World Horse Welfare, where he managed the charity’s operations and veterinary activities.
In 2003, David, together with Roger Smith from the Royal Veterinary College, set up a company developing novel veterinary therapies; around the same time he joined British Equine Veterinary Association (BEVA) Council. Having sold the veterinary business, David took on the new role of BEVA Chief Executive, where he is responsible for supporting equine vets through education, journal publication, and the provision of relevant services.
As Chair of The British Horse Council, he is involved with lobbying for and representing the interests of the wider horse industry. Most of his free time is now spent as a horsebox driver/groom or tinkering with his boat.
David will provide an update on the work of the British Horse Council.
Roly Owers
Chief Executive, World Horse Welfare
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Roly is a qualified veterinary surgeon having graduated from Cambridge University in 1992 and acquired his Masters in Nutrition from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine in 1997. His previous veterinary roles included the Blue Cross and Royal Army Veterinary Corps and Roly has been Chief Executive of World Horse Welfare since 2008.
Roly plays an active role in much of World Horse Welfare’s work supporting the horse-human partnership and also advises the International Equestrian Federation (FEI), the International Horse Sports Confederation (IHSC) and the British Horseracing Authority (BHA) on horse welfare.
Roly is currently Treasurer of the British Equine Veterinary Association (BEVA), Chairman of the UK Equine Disease Coalition, a Board member of the European Horse Network, Chair of the International Coalition for Animal Welfare and Treasurer of the World Federation for Animals. As a Director of the British Horse Council he regularly liaises on policy with Defra, the devolved administrations and Ministers. Roly is also a member of the NEF Organising Committee.
Roly will talk about public acceptance of the equine industry in a changing world.
Beth Maloney
Organising Committee Member, National Equine Forum
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Beth Maloney (BHSIISM, MBA), began her equine career at Catherston Stud with Jennie Loriston-Clarke and studied at Warwickshire College of Agriculture, Coventry University and the Open University.
After working in the music sector for a few years, her passion for horses brought her back to the equine industry. Beth has worked as an Assistant Principal, Director and Lecturer in Land-based and General FE/HE Colleges, and whilst lecturing, Beth wrote textbooks on equine physiology and nutrition. She spent 6 years working for the Independent Schools Inspectorate as a Lead Inspector for Private Colleges and currently acts as an external quality assessor for British Horse Society qualifications.
Alongside these roles, she set up Horses & Courses Ltd in 1999, an equine training company and was non-executive Director for Participation at the British Equestrian Federation for two terms. In 2012 Beth set up Thurleigh Equestrian Centre (TEC), a dressage training and livery yard in Bedfordshire, which she now runs alongside Horses & Courses. Beth is the senior instructor at TEC whilst also finding the time to train and compete on her own two dressage horses.
Beth will chair the session on Opportunities and Challenges for the Future of the Equestrian Sector.
Claire Williams
Executive Director, British Equestrian Trade Association
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Claire is from Christchurch, New Zealand and worked for 10 years in Germany before moving to the UK in 2000 to take up her role with BETA, with responsibility for both the trade association and its commercial arm EMC Ltd.
BETA is the leading representative body working on behalf of equestrian related businesses in the UK and beyond. With over 800 member companies, BETA is recognised as the equestrian trade’s representative body by Government and leading riding organisations and is a member of British Equestrian.
The organisation offers a wide range of member benefits, lobbies on behalf of members, assists in the development of their export markets, oversees the BETA accreditation schemes for body protectors, prohibited substances and specialist feeds, promotes rider safety and offers a wide range of training courses.
Claire is a Director of the Animal Medicines Training Regulatory Authority (AMTRA), British Equestrian and British Horse Council, and serves as a technical expert on both the European body protector and hat standards committees. Claire is also a member of the NEF Organising Committee.
In her free time Claire rides her two horses, enjoys walking and photography.
Claire will present the initial findings of the most recent BETA National Equestrian Survey.
James Hick
Chief Executive, The British Horse Society
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James joined the BHS in 2019, and since then has been leading the team to continue its support of the equine industry across its charitable aims of Welfare, Education, Access, Safety & Participation.
Collectively, the Society’s 119,000 Members, 1,100 Volunteers, 3,000 Accredited Professionals and 600 Approved Centres are driving up standards, promoting equine welfare, safe off-road access, and safety, whilst increasing participation and encouraging more people and communities to become involved with equestrianism, both recreationally and professionally.
Aside from furthering the BHS’s charitable efforts and being a member of the NEF Organising Committee, James is also a Director of The British Horse Council, and a member of the Equine Infectious Disease Surveillance Oversight Committee.
James will talk about the sustainability of UK riding schools.
Jane Holdsworth
Proprietor, Radway Equestrian
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Jane is the joint proprietor of Radway Equestrian along with her business partner and Chief Instructor Keith Richards BHSI.
Radway Equestrian was formed in 2020 by Jane and Keith after an exciting opportunity arose to buy the already established Radway Riding School, which they had worked at previously. The takeover was during the height of the COVID pandemic so was not without its challenges. Two and half years on, the BHS approved riding school is surviving but still faces many challenges.
Both agree that the partnership couldn’t work without the other – they each have their own roles to play in the business and it works very well with Keith teaching the clients and overseeing the horse care and Jane predominantly based in the office although both do take a very hands-on approach and can often be seen pushing a wheelbarrow and filling haynets!
Jane will be interviewed about her experience setting up and running a riding school.
Julia Coles
Proprietor, Pony Magic
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Julia has worked with horses since leaving school, gaining experience in various jobs and taking British Horse Society exams in teaching, horse care and riding. She has also enjoyed competing in various equestrian disciplines.
When her two daughters came along it became clear that a slight change in career direction was needed. Keen to share her love of horses with the children and justify buying a Shetland, “Pony Magic” was soon on the road!
As a mobile pony party business, Pony Magic provided rides at country shows, fetes, farm parks and community events across the south. Dinky the palomino Shetland was the first pony Julia bought, he was soon joined by Spike and more ponies. Travelling across the south, many thousands of children enjoyed a first experience of riding on one of their ponies.
In 2010 Pony Magic launched pony care and riding sessions and were fortunate to use the facilities at a local Riding Centre. In 2017, with her partner Kevin, proprietor of Madgwick Carriage Masters, Julia bought her own property in Hampshire and soon opened the gates to offer riding and other activities for children aged 2-8 alongside carriage driving.
Julia will be interviewed about her experience setting up and running a riding school.
Prof Celia Marr
Chair, British Equestrian's Equine Infectious Disease Action Group (EIDAG)
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Celia graduated from the University of Glasgow in 1985 and her clinical career has focused on Cardiovascular Medicine, Internal Medicine, Intensive Care & Medical Imaging, having held positions in the University of Pennsylvania, University of Cambridge and the Royal Veterinary College and a racehorse practice in Lambourn. Currently, she is based at Rossdales Equine Hospital and Diagnostic Centre in Newmarket.
Celia has a particular interest in initiatives to support equine health and well-being: she chairs British Equestrian’s Equine Infectious Disease Advisory Group, she also is a Horserace Betting Levy Board nominee on the UK’s Equine Infectious Disease Service Oversight Committee, a member of the Veterinary Advisory Committee of the Hong Kong Jockey Club Equine Welfare Research Foundation and a trustee of Beaufort Cottage Educational Trust.
Celia’s research activities are focussed on diagnosis and management of cardiac arrhythmias but she has published widely on medical disorders of the horse. She is a Diplomate of the European College of Equine Internal Medicine, Fellow of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, Honorary Member of British Equine Veterinary Association, Honorary Professor of the University of Glasgow and Editor-in-Chief of Equine Veterinary Journal.
Celia will talk about working together to reduce the risk of infectious disease.
Dr Claire Stratford
Principal Veterinary Advisor, Veterinary Medicines Directorate
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Dr Claire Stratford is the Principal Veterinary Advisor at the VMD and takes forward strategic objectives relating to the regulation of veterinary medicines. She leads the VMD’s anthelmintic resistance activities, establishing working groups and sponsoring research.
Claire previously worked as the Head of the Efficacy Team (VMD) assessing target animal safety and efficacy data for the authorisation of veterinary medicines. She has also worked as an equine vet in first opinion and referral practices, completed a residency in equine internal medicine at the University of Edinburgh and conducted research into anthelmintic use and efficacy in horses with the Moredun Research Institute.
Claire will present an introduction to CANTER (Controlling ANTiparasitic resistance in Equines Responsibly) – promoting consistency in approach to the sustainable control of equine parasites.
Dr Gemma Pearson
Director of Equine Behaviour, The Horse Trust
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After working in ambulatory practice Gemma undertook a residency in the equine hospital and completed her Masters investigating horse veterinarian interactions. She then attained her Certified Clinical Animal Behaviourist (CCAB) qualification and her PhD ‘Stress in equids undergoing veterinary care and the development of interventions that positively influence the horses’ experience’. Gemma undertakes her own research, supervises students and lectures internationally.
Along with the British Equine Veterinary Association, Gemma devised the ‘Don’t Break Your Vet’ campaign and is also Veterinary Liaison Officer for the International Society for Equitation Science. Her role as Director of Equine Behaviour at The Horse Trust means that her focus on research and outreach ties in with managing referrals for clinical equine behaviour cases where she is located at the University of Edinburgh.
Gemma has competed up to advanced level endurance and enjoys competing in affiliated dressage and eventing with her Thoroughbred, who has recently retired from racing.
Gemma is speaking about the use of learning theory in tackling unwanted behaviours in horses.
Hannah Bryant & Gavin
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Hannah is an amateur horse owner who juggles working full time in Financial Services with her lifelong passion for horses. Based in East Lothian with her ever supportive husband, Rory and their Labrador Alfie, she owns one horse – 11 year old Welsh Section D, Gavin.
They enjoy competing in British Dressage and have recently made the step up to Elementary, regularly getting placed in Area Festival Finals and are now aiming for Regionals in the summer. Gavin has taught Hannah a huge amount, most notably the absolutely essential qualities of patience and a sense of humour.
Hannah and Gavin are incredibly privileged that Dr Gemma Pearson is a part of their team, and they would also like to thank their general practice vet, farrier, physio and the staff at Gavin’s yard. The unwavering support of Hannah’s family, who enable her to pursue her childhood dreams, is appreciated.
Hannah will provide a case study about the challenges she experienced with Gavin, and how learning theory helped.
Dr Tamzin Furtado
Post-doctoral Research Associate, University of Liverpool
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Tamzin is a social scientist with a background in global health, and has a specific interest in the interconnections between human and animal health and wellbeing.
She completed a PhD at the University of Liverpool studying how we can improve the management of obesity in horses, particularly focusing on horse-human relationships and human behaviour change. She now works on projects covering a wide range of aspects of understanding human behaviour in order to improve equine welfare.
Tamzin will take part in the unwanted behaviours panel discussion, introducing elements of human behaviour change science.
Dr Sheila Voas
Organising Committee Member, National Equine Forum
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Sheila qualified from the Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies in Edinburgh, then worked in a mixed practice in East Yorkshire until returning to Scotland. She held two part-time jobs: one small animal and equine, the other in a mixed practice in the Borders. She continued in that practice until she became a mother to two sons.
During the foot and mouth disease outbreak in 2001 Sheila was a Temporary Veterinary Inspector, following which she joined the then State Veterinary Service (now Animal & Plant Health Agency) permanently working from the Hamilton Office. She then became a Veterinary Advisor to the Scottish Government followed by Deputy Chief Veterinary Officer. In 2011 she was made up to Acting Chief Veterinary Officer, which then became permanent.
Outside of work Sheila is to be found enjoying family time, gardening, looking after her geriatric horse and participating in a book group. As District Commissioner of the local branch of the Pony Club, she enjoys seeing children bonding with their ponies and learning to respect and care for them.
Sheila will chair the afternoon’s Topical Slots.
Hugh Thomas
Chairman, Equine Fitters Council
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Hugh was educated at Bryanston School and Magdalen College, Oxford. He subsequently attained a Masters in Philosophy, Politics and Economics.
With considerable sport experience as an Olympic event rider and course designer, Hugh then took the role of Director of Badminton Horse Trials 1989 – 2019. He is a past Chairman of the British Equestrian Federation (BEF) and of the International Equestrian Federation (FEI) Eventing Committee. Hugh is a Trustee of World Horse Welfare and Past Master and current Court and Finance Committee member of Worshipful Company of Saddlers.
Currently occupied as chairman of family property investment companies, Hugh is married with four children and eight grandchildren.
Hugh will announce the launch of the Equine Fitters Council and Directory.
Jo Paul
President, Register of Animal Musculoskeletal Practitioners (RAMP)
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Jo worked with eventers, point to pointers and dressage horses until qualifying as a Chartered Physiotherapist, when she worked in the NHS and with sports teams including Edinburgh Rugby and the British Equestrian Vaulting team travelling to the World Equestrian Games. She specialised in the development of adolescent athletes and optimal movement patterns.
She then combined her skills to establish a rehabilitation facility to treat and re-habilitate all types of equines. Jo has lectured, provided clinical education, and examined students completing the Veterinary Physiotherapy MSc degrees and post graduate practitioners in the UK and internationally, as well as advising World Horse Welfare for over 20 years.
Jo remains passionate about enhancing animal welfare by facilitating excellent standards of veterinary physiotherapy and identifying allied professionals who can evidence high levels of skill. Jo volunteered on Council for RAMP which is the world’s first voluntary regulatory body for the allied professions of animal Chiropractic, Osteopathy and Physiotherapy.
Jo will talk about RAMP and its impact on horse wellbeing.
Sarah Shephard
Hon. Publicity Officer, National Equine Forum
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Sarah has worked in the equestrian PR world for almost 30 years and has a particular interest in the equine veterinary, pharmaceutical, nutrition and welfare sectors. Clients include SPILLERS, Zoetis, BEVA, Blue Cross and the BSAVA.
With an initial grounding in business-to-business PR and technical copywriting, Sarah went on to bag her dream job as Press Officer for World Horse Welfare (then known as the ILPH), back in the 1990s, before setting up her own PR consultancy.
Sarah now specialises in media relations and content writing across all platforms, translating technical information into easy-to-understand messages for specific target audiences.
Two horses and three dogs helpfully provide Sarah with a daily fitness regimen, useful case studies and occasional photoshoot models. In her ‘spare’ time she is learning French and studying to become a dog trainer. Sarah has been a member of the National Equine Forum committee since 2003.
Sarah will chair the session considering influencers.
Rhea Freeman
Founder, Rhea Freeman PR
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Multi award winning PR adviser, social media expert and best selling author, Rhea Freeman works with riders, influencers and brands across the equestrian industry and beyond. She has worked with federations, associations and spoken at national and international events including BETA International and Spoga Horse Creator Days.
Rhea guest lectures at two universities on the subjects of brand building and social media and has also written for a range of publications including Horse & Hound, Equestrian Trade News and Your Horse.
Rhea will deliver an informative session on influencers, sponsors, public perceptions and pitfalls.
Eleanor Jones
News Editor, Horse & Hound
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Eleanor joined Horse & Hound (H&H) as news editor in March 2016, having spent eight and a half years working for local and national newspapers.
During her time with H&H, Eleanor has attended industry conferences and events, including the International Equestrian Federation (FEI) sports forum, the British Equine Veterinary Association annual congress and the National Equine Forum. She has reported on all aspects of the industry and all disciplines. Sport-wise she focusses on showjumping events from national qualifiers to international grands prix, including the 2021 European and 2022 World Championships.
Eleanor has been riding since she was seven and has two warmblood mares who she competes at British Showjumping events, although one is due to foal this summer.
Eleanor will talk about the development of print and web media.
Ashleigh Wicheard
Committee Member & Mentor, Women in Racing
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Ashleigh has a passion for horses, riding from a young age and she went to work in racing on and off for around 10 years. Since stepping away from full-time employment in racing, Ashleigh has worked in a few specialist schools supporting children with autism, social, emotional and mental health needs as well as other behavioural conditions, and as a Case Worker and Equine Coordinator for a charity supporting young offenders 18-30 or young men in prison.
Ashleigh has recently supported a young man from a London hostel through the Northern Racing College and into employment, he is currently still employed a year on. A Master Practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Programming, and recently qualified in Equine Facilitated Learning, Ashleigh has the skills to coach and also the ability to hold a therapeutic space.
She is Travelling Head Person to Neil Mulholland and in July 2022 Ashleigh won the Magnolia Cup at Goodwood, a women's only race which raises thousands for charities each year. Ashleigh is also passionate about promoting positive outcomes for everyone, she is already a mentor on the Women in Racing mentoring programme and runs the MissBlackEquestrian Instagram account.
Ashleigh will discuss her role as an influencer, sharing her equestrian journey experiences as a person of colour driving and promoting diversity and inclusion within the sport.
Alec Lochore
Director, Alec Lochore Equestrian Consultancy
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Alec is an experienced Sports Event and Equestrian Consultant, having held roles at London 2012, Rio 2016 and Tokyo 2020. Alec works with major equestrian infrastructure projects worldwide, overseeing design, planning and delivery phases.
As an eventer, Alec finished in the top 25 at both Badminton and Burghley and then branched out into other areas, including event management and cross-country course design, as well as becoming a Technical Delegate at national and international level.
The Director of Musketeer Event Management, Alec heads up a keen team responsible for events including Burnham Market International Horse Trials; Houghton International; Barbury Castle International Horse Trials and Blair Castle International Horse Trials and Country Fair.
Alec enjoys all sports, with particular interests in rugby (Scotland), skiing, golf and horse racing. He has successfully ridden the Cresta Run and crewed in a transatlantic yacht race.
Alec will interview Charlie Thornycroft about her experiences of providing vital aid to Ukraine's equestrian sector since the outbreak of war in February 2022.
Charlie Thornycroft
Volunteer, The British Equestrians for Ukraine Fund
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Since the start of the Russia Ukraine conflict Charlie has been involved with British Equestrians for Ukraine, coordinating aid deliveries and evacuating horses and their families from Ukraine to Poland, where they ran a temporary hub, and finding them safe passage and homes across Europe, America and even Dubai. She has also been involved with U-Aid – a humanitarian charity set up by a fellow volunteer to help people unable to leave the country due to disability, age or having lost their families.
Charlie graduated from Leeds University with a degree in English and Criminology before embarking on a career in politics as a speech writer and researcher in the House of Lords. Moving on to sporting events, her highlight was working on the London 2012 Olympics as PA to the Chairman and Chief Executive of the Olympic Delivery Authority.
Charlie has worked on development plans to turn green-field sites in Saudi Arabia into equestrian and entertainment facilities, and more recently was Head of Hospitality and Membership at HPower for Royal Windsor, London International Horse Show and HM The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Celebration.
Charlie will share stories from her time volunteering for the British Equestrians for Ukraine Fund.
Jim Eyre
Organising Committee Member, National Equine Forum
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Jim joined British Equestrian (BEF) as Chief Executive in April 2021. In his role, he is Secretary General to the European and International Federations and he also sits on the British Horse Council (BHC) and National Equine Forum Organising Committee.
Jim came from the world of professional rugby and the RFU, where he spent over five years with Premiership Rugby team Harlequin FC as Chief Operating Officer. Prior to this, Jim spent 25 years in the military in a variety of roles, including as the Commanding Officer of The Household Cavalry Regiment and earlier as Squadron Leader of the Blues and Royals Mounted Squadron.
Jim will read the citation for the Sir Colin Spedding Award.
Corporate Friends
Dodson & Horrell
The Donkey Sanctuary
Neue Schule
SEIB Insurance Brokers
Weatherbys ePassport
The 826 Equine Studbooks Association
The Arab Horse Society
Central Prefix Register
Cob Care
Farm & Stable
Horses Inside Out
Institute of Applied Equine Podiatry
Jeffress Scholarship Trust
The Lipizzaner Society of Great Britain
Jo Paul
James Rayner
Richmond Equestrian Centre
The Society of Master Saddlers
Traditional Gypsy Cob Association
West Kington Stud