Past Forums
Scroll through the page to find downloadable items from NEF12 onwards. Downloads are only available as pdf files.
Please visit the NEF24 page (Resources), NEF23 page (Resources), NEF22 page (Resources), NEF21 page (Resources), NEF20 page (Resources), NEF19 page, NEF18 page and NEF17 page, as well as our YouTube Channel, for further information.
A summary of all speakers and topics from the Forum’s fore-runner meeting in 1990 to the most recent event in 2024, the 32nd National Equine Forum on Thursday 7th March 2024 (#NEF24), it also includes the two Special Interest Webinars which preceded #NEF21.
Summary from the 26th National Equine Forum, Thursday 8th March 2018
Summary from the 25th National Equine Forum, Thursday 2nd March 2017
A Checklist for Equine Health from the British Equine Veterinary Association – produced for the equine sector in conjunction with the government
Equine Sector Manfesto for the Horse (Revised version) from the British Horse Industry Confederation and Equine Sector Council for Health and Welfare
Summary from the 24th National Equine Forum, Thursday 3rd March 2016
Summary from the 23rd National Equine Forum, Thursday 8th March 2015
Summary from the 22nd National Equine Forum, Thursday 6th March 2014
Summary from the 21st National Equine Forum, Thursday 3rd March 2013
Summary from the 20th National Equine Forum, Thursday 8th March 2012