The 32nd National Equine Forum will run as a hybrid event on Thursday 7th March 2024 (#NEF24), with Slido used for the submission of questions, both from face-to-face delegates in London as well as those who have joined via the live streaming. Delegates at the venue will also be able to ask questions live.
Slido will be accessible on the morning of the event. All attendees, whether face-to-face or virtual, will be emailed details of how to access Slido at 08:00hrs (GMT) on Thursday 7th March. Unfortunately, if you are not registered as an attendee you will not be able to access Slido.
Please note, ticket bookings for the face-to-face event will close on Thursday 29th February 2024, and registration for the live streaming closes at 18:00hrs (6.00pm) GMT, Wednesday 6th March 2024.
Sessions and their timings are listed below. Please note, these may be subject to change.
Session Chair: Roly Owers
10.10 The Defra View The Lord Douglas-Miller, Defra
10.20 Manifesto for the Horse David Mountford, British Horse Council
10.35 Consultation on licensing equestrian premises in Scotland Andrew Voas, Scottish Government
10.50 Panel discussion
Session Chair: Beth Maloney
11.00 The impact of National Minimum Wage rises Ali Dane, Hurston Dressage & Eventing
11.10 Path to Paris Jim Eyre, British Equestrian; Helen Nicholls, British Equestrian
Session Chair: Ruth Dancer, White Griffin
11.25 Where are we now? The equine sector in 2024 Ruth Dancer, White Griffin
11.40 Understanding the climate impact of UK stud farms Simon Cox, Thoroughbred Breeders' Association; Sarah Wynn, RSK ADAS Ltd
11.50 Sustainable strides – a template for environmental collaboration Denis Duggan, Horse Sport Ireland
12.05 Panel discussion
Session Chair: Jonathan Statham, Animal Health & Welfare Board of England
13.40 The role of vets, vets nurses and allied professionals in your horse's health care team Lucy Grieve, British Equine Veterinary Association; Marie Rippingale, British Equine Veterinary Association Equine Nurse Committee
14.00 Panel discussion
Session Chair: Dr Pat Harris
14.10 Collaboration results in change - protecting donkeys from the skin trade Ian Cawsey, The Donkey Sanctuary
14.25 Questions
Session Chair: Beverley Simms, The British Horse Society
15.00 Access all areas Jane Cooper, Access and Inclusion UK
15.15 Horses for All Mandana Mehran Pour, British Equestrian
15.25 Everyone Welcome - understanding our audiences Rebecca Cogswell, The British Horse Society
15.35 Pathways to develop belonging in the equestrian sector - a tale of two centres Georgina Urwin, Summerfield Stables; Eleanor Spelman, Solihull Riding Club
15.45 Panel discusssion
Session Chair: Jan Rogers
16.00 The Great Yorkshire Show - advancing equine wellbeing Amanda Stoddart-West joined by Lucy Grieve
When can questions be submitted?
Questions can be submitted after the event on Slido goes live, on Thursday 7th March 2024.
How do I submit a question
- Log into;
- Go to Q&A (usually the screen you log into);
- Insert your question under the Q&A heading, in the box where it says "Type your question";
- TIP: if you are viewing through a browser on a mobile and not through the app, you need to make sure you scroll down the embedded screen - you might only be able to see the National Equine Forum logo;
- Click "Add label";
- Select the relevant session or speaker you would like to answer your question (please see the list of sessions above);
- TIP: information, including a summary of each presentation, can be found on the #NEF24 page
- Click "Send".
How long can my question be?
Questions can be up to 300 characters long - the maximum allowed on Slido.
Can I submit a question anonymously?
No, questions cannot be submitted anonymously.
Are questions moderated?
Yes, all questions are moderated. Questions should relate to the subject being discussed, and not be personal. Questions unrelated to the subjects being discussed, or of a personal nature, will not pass the moderation process.
Will all submitted questions be asked?
No, unfortunately we will not have time to ask all submitted questions.
What will happen to my question?
Moderated questions will be viewable on Slido. Questions will be archived following the completion of the session they relate to.
How do I view the programme?
The full programme will be available on the Forum 2024 page from the morning of Thursday 7th March 2024. You can see details of our speakers, and the programme when released, here.
Who can access Slido?
Only delegates who have purchased a ticket, either for the face-to-face event or for the live streaming, will be able to access Slido. This access will be granted via the email address that you register with. Those who purchase a ticket to face-to-face event, or the live streaming, will also be able to access the replay, which will be available a few days after the Forum, for a period of two weeks. We will let attendees know when the replay is accessible. Tickets will also be available to purchase for the replay, to those who did not purchase a ticket to the live event.
Corporate Friends
Dodson & Horrell
The Donkey Sanctuary
SEIB Insurance Brokers
Weatherbys ePassport
The 826 Equine Studbooks Association
The Arab Horse Society
Central Prefix Register
Cob Care
Horses Inside Out
Institute of Applied Equine Podiatry
Jeffress Scholarship Trust
The Pony Club
James Rayner
The Society of Master Saddlers
Traditional Gypsy Cob Association
West Kington Stud