The latest knowledge and know how on horse and rider fitness and equine stereotypical behaviours will be shared by scientific, veterinary and educational experts at the forthcoming National Equine Forum, to be held in London on 7th March 2019.
Fitness has a direct bearing on performance, whatever the equestrian discipline. The three-part practical and educational session on horse and rider fitness will commence with Dr David Marlin independent scientific consultant looking at cardiovascular fitness, the background to cardiovascular fitness training and how it can be applied to different equestrian disciplines.
Dr Rachel Murray, Senior Orthopaedic Advisor at the Animal Health Trust will follow up with what cardiovascular fitness means in reality, focusing on core stability and muscle development of the horse.
Ashleigh Wallace, Human Sports Science Physiotherapist and Medicine Lead, of the World Class Programme at the British Equestrian Federation will round off the fitness session in terms of the rider, and how an asymmetry can impact on the horse, whether an elite athlete or a grassroots rider.
A better understanding of equine behaviour can undoubtedly support management practices to enhance both welfare and performance. Dr Andrew Hemmings, Head of the School of Equine Management and Science at the Royal Agricultural University will complete the session with a look at Equine Stereotypic Behaviour: a head-first approach to management and training.
The Forum programme will also include:
• Brexit and what it means for the horse industry in practical terms
• How to make the most of the Central Equine Database
• Preliminary results of the National Equestrian Survey
• The latest thoroughbred welfare racing initiatives
• Charities in the modern world: a panel discussion
• The Sir Colin Spedding Memorial lecture: Dr Simon Curtis FWCF
• Presentation of the Sir Colin Spedding Award to a worthy unsung hero of the horse world
A small number of tickets are still available for the National Equine Forum. The first ticket costs £65 with subsequent tickets for the same organisation charged at £100. To apply please contact us.
Given the popularity of the event it will also be live streamed again this year. More info available on 27th National Equine Forum available here.
Picture courtesy of Sarah Mountford