The National Equine Forum (NEF) has announced the winner of its annual photography competition; Lorna Elliot’s captivating headshot of her Fell pony Greenholme Grey Bobby II will feature on the programme cover for the 32nd National Equine Forum, which takes place on Thursday 7th March 2024 (#NEF24), as well as in other #NEF24 contexts.
Talented amateur equine photographers from around the world submitted 34 equine images, ranging from stylish black and white shots to some striking colour images and quirky equine poses. Entries were received from Bulgaria and the USA, as well as from the UK.
“This is the second year we have run the photography competition and once again we received some beautiful and creative entries,” said NEF Convener Georgina Crossman. “It’s never easy to produce a shortlist, let alone pick a winner but on this occasion the committee was unanimous. We especially liked Lorna’s use of the spectacular sunset to highlight the windswept, natural look of one of the UK’s iconic native pony breeds.”
Lorna, who is from the Scottish Borders not only has the pleasure of seeing her beloved Bobby on the cover of the NEF 2024 programme, but she will also receive a special food hamper as her prize.
Lorna said: “Wow! I’m absolutely astounded! I can’t believe my picture has been chosen. Thank you so much. I love taking photographs when I get the chance, which isn’t very often as I work long hours.
“I was finishing up at work as the sun was setting and I thought the colour of the sky was just amazing, so I went home via my pony’s field to see if I could get some nice pictures. My pony Greenholme Grey Bobby II, who is an 11-year-old Fell pony, was very cooperative, which is unusual as he can be a bit of an antisocial character at times!
“I am over the moon that my photo has been chosen and feel extremely proud as it really was a spur of the moment idea as you don’t have much time to catch a good sunset.”
The competition has been generously supported by Redpin Publishing who helped advise on the winner, from a design and print perspective.
The National Equine Forum is an annual event bringing together representatives from all echelons of the equestrian industry, including government, equestrian sport, veterinary science and welfare. It has been running for more than 30 years and is organised by a committee of appointed volunteers, reflecting various sectors of the equestrian industry.
Details of the programme for #NEF24 will be released shortly. To find out more click here.
Picture courtesy of Lorna Elliot